

papers to profits



Emigrace Guevarra

I am a content creator of Graceful Homeschooling on Facebook and YouTube with over 38k subscribers. I am a homeschooling mom, now empowering moms and women to thrive in home education and business at the comfort of their homes.

Graceful Homeschooling

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Graceful Homeschooling

Graceful Homeschooling started during the pandemic with the intention of sharing our homeschooling journey with all the "accidental homeschooling families." Our goal is to inspire, uplift, and empower Filipino families to continue their children's education despite the challenges posed by the pandemic.

After three years, Graceful Homeschooling Plus was born. This is not just a resource hub, it is a community of homeschooling, stay-at-home moms, and women who share the same passion for creating paper products like learning materials, journals, planners, etc., and a community where dreams take root and flourish. We believe that within the walls of your home, you can not only provide an enriching education for your children but also build a thriving business.

The Papers to Profits Class serves as our platform to educate, share knowledge with, and empower homeschooling parents, stay-at-home moms, and women who would like to start their paper goods business at the comfort of their homes. This comprehensive program guides participants from the initial stages to the complete setup of their business.

our collection

At Graceful Homeschooling, we understand the unique challenges and incredible rewards that come with homeschooling. Our journey began with a mission: to create a nurturing space where parents can find the tools and the confidence to craft an enriching educational experience for their children.

Our resources span various subjects, catering to diverse learning styles and ages. Whether you're looking for comprehensive curriculum guides, hands-on activity ideas, or insightful tips on balancing homeschooling with creating your own side hustles, we've got you covered. Our commitment to quality and accessibility ensures that you'll find the perfect fit for your family's needs and aspirations.

All About Reading

curriculum & supplementary learning materials

Raising Brave arrows nursery

Raising Brave arrows preschool

Raising Brave arrows level-k

life skills k - 3

life skills 4 - 6



character development

journals collection

A Journal for Mothers Collection

A special journal made for moms who want to pray for their sons and daughters in a special way. Inside each journal, you'll find 50 prayers that are written especially for moms to pray for their children. There is a part where you can write to your child. You can write about anything you want – like how much you love your child or hopes you have for them.

notebooks & planners

flashcards & game Boards

flashcards & game Boards

Filipino learning resources

self-help books

life-giving content for social media + social media content planner

raising brave arrows, a guide to homeschooling in the philippines


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Graceful Homeschooling